Pêche et Lune

by c.guine



ʺPêche et Luneʺ presents, day after day, forecasts of the chances of freshwater fishing (streams, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds).These chances (very good, good, fairly good, fair or bad) with identification of the period of the day, are linked to the influences of the Moon.The displayed times (Sun and Moon) come from astronomical calculations edited by Jean Meeus.The search for a fishing spot is done on the map, from the list, from the favorites… or more precisely, by geolocation.If geolocation is used, it remains internal to the application and is not communicated.ʺPeche et Luneʺ gives access to information on a particular date or on a full month.The selection of chances by level over a period allows the recording of preferred days in the personal calendar.Possibility to edit pages or tables on printer (wifi).Consult the menu (top right of the application) and in particular "user help" in order to get the most out of it."Pêche et Lune" can no longer use the internet after installation, it works in complete autonomy